Having Fun with Faux: Bangs, Eyelashes, and Nails

kim kardashian faux bangs

Here is my dream life: I wake up every morning after 8 hours of peaceful sleep only to realize that I couldn’t look even the slightest bit more perfect than I do in that moment.

And here is my real life: I wake up after 5 hours of tossing and turning, drag myself out of bed, and look in the mirror at the horror show staring back at me. Then I spend an hour with a blow dryer, flat iron, and a giant bag of makeup.

But until I find a genie willing to grant me my wish of having a naturally perfect appearance, I am going to have to stick with my routine of faking it everyday. The golden rule for pulling off any faux look is to make it look as real as possible, so to make things easier on all of us I have put together the best tips for doing just that.


Bangs are such a simple way to change your look, but cutting them is a serious commitment. If you want to figure out if it is a style that will look best on you, or if you just want to vamp up your look for a night out, you are in luck. The latest craze among celebrities and fashionistas is clip-in bangs.

We love watching the risks that Kim Kardashian takes with her style and reviewing which looks suit her the most. And last week was no exception when she stepped out with faux bangs.

So how do you get your clip-in bangs to look as natural as Kim’s? Use this important piece of advice straight from her: “I use clip on bangs and have them professionally trimmed to fit my face.” You certainly wouldn’t cut your own bangs and you shouldn’t cut your fake ones either. After purchasing your bangs head straight to the salon to have your stylist shape them. Not sure what style would look best? Consult this guide for finding the perfect bang shape for your face before heading to your appointment.

Matching the hair color is absolutely imperative because the wrong shade will immediately out the fact that you are wearing clip-in bangs. If you don’t want to make the same mistake that Rachel McAdams did, the best option is to visit your stylist for help. Not only will they help you pick out the best color but they can also dye the bangs to match what they already use on your hair.


Eyelashes are such a small part of our overall look, but wow does it make a difference when they look good. A few years ago I decided to splurge on eyelash extensions and became an instant fan. I was able to achieve that bright eyed look without ever putting on mascara.

I would definitely recommend going to a reputable salon or licensed cosmetologist to get extensions because you never want to take chances when it comes to your eyes. There are horror stories out there of women skimping out on a quality person to apply them only to find that later they began to lose their own lashes. Your regular salon may even offer such services so be sure to start there as you have already established a trusted relationship with them.

Once the extensions are in there are a few basic tips to keep in mind. You must resist the urge to pull at the lashes because doing so could pull out your own. You also want to avoid showering for the first 48 hours as to not weaken the bond of the glue. Other than that they are very simple to maintain and only occasionally require being brushed out.

Going back to the golden rule of making sure to keep your beauty enhancements natural, you do not want to choose over-the-top fake lashes like JWoww did here. A good way to avoid this tragic mistake is by making sure that they are cut to fit the size of your eye.

If you are not sure about going down the faux road you can still improve the volume of your real lashes by following these tricks and tips.


My nails, especially in the winter, are the first part of my beauty regimen to be neglected. But they shouldn’t be because when I got fake nails for the first time I was blown away at how much of an impact they had on making me feel put together and confident.

In order to even consider artificial nails you must first start with a healthy foundation. Nails are composed of keratin, the same protein found in the hair and skin, so to keep them strong you must first take care of your body. Taking a multi-vitamin everyday will help as well as adding these superfoods to your diet.

Once you have made your nails stronger and have decided for sure that an acrylic manicure is best for you, the number one thing to remember is to keep them short. 2-3mm above the fingertip is the recommended length. You will also want to consider which manicure

Because faux nails can easily look tacky, only use natural polish colors like Khloe Kardashian did above.

It is so easy to damage your own nails when dealing with fake ones so in order to avoid that mistake follow these tips: maintenance is required around the second week, always have a professional remove acrylic, protect your hands when dealing with chemicals, and be mindful that they are very delicate and can break easily.

And if you are going for a more daring look try out the trendy stiletto nail that Beyonce is rocking. It is definitely a conversation starter!

Hopefully one day a magic pill will be invented and we will no longer have to worry about our appearances, but until then make the most of it and try out of these fun and trendy enhancements!

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