15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush

A crush. All of us have had one before. It’s the kind of situation where you usually don’t know a ton about the person. Oh, but you’d certainly like to.

If there’s a particular guy who’s caught your eye—and a bit of your heart—but you have absolutely no clue how to approach him, check out some of these lines. They’re cute and sweet without being too overt and pushy. The perfect combo for sharing your feelings without walking away feeling, pardon the pun, absolutely crushed.

1. “I haven’t had a crush since I was little girl. Well, except for now.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“I haven’t had a crush since I was a little girl. Well, except for now.”/via

If the last time you’ve actually had a crush was when you were in kindergarten, believe us when we tell you that he’ll be honored to know that. So why not tell him?

2. “I’m single if you’re available.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“I’m single if you’re available.”/via

Sometimes the guy you have a crush on actually has a crush on you too. He’s just wondering if you’re single—or not.

3. “No, I’m listening. Sorry. Your eyes are amazingly distracting.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“No, I’m listening. Sorry. Your eyes are amazingly distracting.”/via

Don’t you like it when a guy tells you about a feature that he thinks is stunning? Guess what? Men feel the exact same way.

4. “Seeing that your status is ‘single’ made my day.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Seeing that your status is ‘single’ made my day.”/via

If you’re “friends” on Facebook, shoot a message to his inbox letting him know just how happy you are to let him know that he’s single. Then wait to see what kind of response you get!

5. “Let’s follow each other so that I can DM you.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Let’s follow each other so that I can DM you.”/via

Speaking of social media, another thing that you can do is simply hit him up on Twitter with a “Hey follow me!” No one but you has to know why. If he follows through, then you can start DM’ing each other. On the low.

6. “Channing Tatum? He’s alright, I guess. You’re better, though.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Channing Tatum? He’s already, I guess. You’re better, though.”/via

What man wouldn’t be flattered to know that you think he’s hotter than Channing Tatum or Idris Elba. Whether or not it’s totally true is irrelevant.

7. “You make me giggle. And blush.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“You make me giggle. And blush.”/via

A woman who giggles and blushes around a guy that she likes is totally cute and even a bit disarming to a man. So if there’s a guy who makes you feel this way, it’s sweet to let him know.

8. “Funny is super sexy to me.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Funny is super sexy to me.”/via

A guy with a great sense of humor is not only fun to be around but sexy to know. Some guys underestimate how far their own brand of funniness can take them. Why not be the bearer of such great news.

9. “Oops. I bumped into your hand so that I could touch it.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Oops. I bumped into your hand so I had to touch it.”/via

Are you fortunate enough to run into your crush at your favorite coffee spot or at work? If so and the two of you are sitting close, gently bump into him and then make sure let him know that it actually wasn’t that much of an accident.

10. “Yeah, that kind of movie actually freaks me out. Let’s go together!”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Yeah, that kind of movie actually freaks me out. Let’s go together!”/via

If you and your crush do tend to engage in mind chit-chat from time to time, ask him about some of his favorite things. Favorite music. Favorite food. And favorite movie. If it’s action or horror and the thought of going to either freaks you out a bit, let him know that you’d be willing to go. Then “accidentally” grab his arm during the scary parts!

11. “Am I staring? Sorry. I’m so busy thinking about how cute you are.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Am I staring? Sorry. I’m busy thinking about how cute you are.”/via

Guys sometimes miss signals, it’s true. But you know what? Not too many are going to miss a woman staring with a slight grin on her face. If he asks what’s up, just let him know how cute you think he is. Then watch him stare at you back.

12. “So…I’m trying to figure out how long it’s going to take you to ask for my number. Wanna play?”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“So…I’m trying to figure out how long it’s going to take you to ask for my number. Wanna play?”/via

Have you been waiting on him to ask for your number? Drop a not-so-subtle hint and then see what happens.

13. “If I could bake you anything, what would it be? And when would you want it?”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“If I could bake you anything, what would it be? And when would you want it?”/via

A lot of men simply love a woman who can cook and/or bake. Find out what his favorite dessert is and make it. Then wrap it up with a cute lil’ note.

14. “You’re the right man. I hope this is the right time.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“You’re the right man. I hope this is the right time.”/via

Hey, timing is everything, right? Another way to catch his “online attention” is to send him a cute picture quote like this one to his email account. Or you can text it too.

15. “Let’s see what we can do with $20 this weekend. I’m game if you are.”

15 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Crush
“Let’s see what we can do with $20 this weekend. I’m game if you are.”/via

Guys love a challenge. So, find a way to challenge him to a date. Nine times out of 10, he’ll be totally up for it!

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